What Should Be Done for Education in the next ten years
Venerable Master Chin Kung Talks at UNESCO Asia NGO Network Conference
There are four essential parts to an education. They are all parts of a complete education and should never be separate. The first part is the family education.....  |
To Understand Buddhism
Buddhism is a most virtuous and perfect education directed by the Buddha towards all sentient beings in the universe. This education covers a boundless range of phenomena and principles that is much broader than what is currently studied in modern universities....... |
The Revival of Traditional Chinese Culture and Education
In the 1970s, the well-known English historian, Professor Arnold Toynbee said that in order to resolve the social problems of the twenty-first century, we must rely on the teachings of Confucius, Mencius, and Mahayana Buddhism. .......  |
2012 Multi-Faith Summit Theme
Starting from 21 May 2012, five hundred religious leaders from around the world, representing ten religions, gathered together in Bangkok. While they dressed differently and spoke different languages.......  |